Milestones Care Homes Ltd

James House - 0151-432-9708

Josephine house - 0151-923-9157

Helping to make a difference...

About Us

Milestones Care Ltd is owned and managed by a single director who has extensive knowledge and experience within the care sector. The whole staff team know that the challenge of caring for young people can be both challenging and rewarding and use that as a motivation every day.


The company opened its first Residential care home in September 2006,with the first Leaving Care Facility due open in January 2015!


Our staff are dedicated to helping all of our young people become responsible, respectablemembers of the community by providing continuity of care. Most of the young people that come to us end up staying with us unitl they are ready to move on.


Milestones attributes it's success to the way we care for our young people and because of the family feel, open door policy of its care homes.